Bureau of construction expertise and design "Ingenius"
8 (915) 777-44-85
8 (49232) 6-50-04
Survey of construction-in-progress facilities
An object under construction is not a rare phenomenon in our country. These structures have been frozen for years. This does not affect their design features, reliability and durability in the best way. Most often, the owners of such objects do not take care of conservation, do not properly protect the main structures of the building, which significantly reduces the service life of such objects.
To make a decision on the further performance of construction and installation works, it is necessary to have an idea of the integrity of this object, its characteristics (properties) and the rationality of continuing such construction.For this purpose, a survey of an object under construction is performed. After performing this type of work, an appropriate conclusion (act) is drawn up, which becomes the basis for the development of new design and estimate documentation necessary for the completion of construction and reconstruction work. With the help of this document, the relevant construction is legalized, the purchase and sale of such an object and the final construction and installation activities are carried out.
Specialists of our company, having vast experience in the field of construction, conduct a survey of the object in several stages. They include collecting information about the object, its visual inspection with photo-fixation, tool-fitting works and full-scale tests of the main building structures. All this allows you to create a detailed report, identify all the defects of the structure, evaluate the condition of the object, determine the volume of final works and calculate their cost.
Our specialists do not rarely encounter objects that are not subject to restoration during the inspection of construction-in-progress facilities. Completion of construction of such facilities can lead to irreversible consequences – destruction, collapse, and loss of life. At the same time, such objects are not always long-term buildings. Due to untimely conservation and non-compliance with the relevant rules in its production, there is a partial or complete destruction of the structural elements of the building, which loses its reliability, strength and stability in General. After such an incomplete construction, the object, even when carrying out reinforcement of load-bearing structures, can not meet the requirements of safety and construction.
Our specialists, understanding the full extent of responsibility for the prepared documentation, analyze all elements of the building, regardless of the material and the degree of impact on them. Concrete, reinforced concrete structures, brickwork, metal parts of the building are subject to inspection, as well as studies of the Foundation and its condition are carried out.
After receiving the relevant certificate, the interested person will have a full report on the condition of the building and the assigned category of technical condition of individual structures and the object as a whole, on the structures to be dismantled or strengthened, on the required repair measures, on the strength of building materials, as well as on the rationality of performing emergency measures at the stage of reconstruction.
Our reports are performed in accordance with current legislation and regional regulations.
Completed works on the survey of the ONS
Обследуемый объект незавершенного строительства
Отсутствует вертикальная гидроизоляция фундамента. Отсутствует обратная засыпка грунта
Отсутствуют полы по грунту в подвале. Отсутствует закладка проемов кирпичной кладкой
Обследуемый объект незавершенного строительства
Residential building
Bykovo village
Determination of the technical condition of a residential building and compliance with the requirements for safe operation
The building has a limited functional category of technical condition.
The object's readiness level is set at 37%
Увлажнение стеновых панелей. Отсутствует остекление оконных блоков. Растрескивание защитного бетонного слоя стеновых панелей. Образование коррозии на металлических конструкциях входной группы. Отсутствуют элементы организованного водоотвода с кровли
Отсутствуют конструктивные элементы стропильной системы. Отсутствует кровельное покрытие. Биологическое повреждение (мох). Образование растительности в пространстве чердачного помещения
Механические повреждения облицовки стен из керамической плитки (нарушение целостности, сколы, трещины)
Увлажнение стеновых панелей. Отсутствует остекление оконных блоков. Растрескивание защитного бетонного слоя стеновых панелей. Образование коррозии на металлических конструкциях входной группы. Отсутствуют элементы организованного водоотвода с кровли
Soldiers ' dormitories
Primorsky Krai
Inspection of building structures
To ensure the safe and longest operation of the hostel it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the detected defects and damages in accordance with this Technical report
Главный фасад подземного гаража
Отсутствуют дефлекторы на вентиляционных шахтах
Армирование плиты перекрытия
Главный фасад подземного гаража
Two-story underground Parking lot
Survey of a two-story underground Parking lot with 128 Parking spaces
To ensure the safest and most durable operation, as well as bringing building structures in a "working condition", you should take measures to eliminate the identified defects and damages according to this Technical Report
Общий вид обследуемого фундамента
Общий вид обследуемого фундамента
Показания прибора по результатам испытания
Общий вид обследуемого фундамента